Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

Browse Collections (46 total)

Shimer College Memory Project


This collection documents pivotal events relating to Shimer College and the Thomas Lindsay debacle during the academic year 2009-2010

Scottish Independence Collection

Scottish Referendum Map 2014-min.jpeg

Digital materials related to the movement for Scottish independence (2013-), including maps, polls, news articles, videos, white papers, academic…

Scandal and the Complications of Niche Reporting

Nailz the wrestler testifies he was told to use steroids - New York Times.png

During the period of 1991-1994, the World Wrestling Federation was rocked by a series of scandals affecting their industry. Claims of sexual…

Contributors: Dave Meltzer, Wade Keller, Phil Donahue,

Public Libraries: Shifting Services and Outreach to Meet Needs of Users in a Pandemic


Libraries provide a wealth of resources for community members. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some libraries had to close their doors, providing…

Potterheads: Telling Their Own Story

Screen Shot 2017-10-06 at 11.55.58 AM.png

Fandoms are a world wide phenomenon that stretches to every corner of the Earth. Any series of books, TV shows, movies, graphic novels, anima, manga,…

Contributors: Shoshana Frank

Police Activity and Violence at 2020 Black Lives Matter Protests in Portland, Oregon

A collection of Twitter posts from journalists, reporters, and citizens of Portland, OR who have attended and are involved with the Black Lives Matter…

Contributors: Anna Rogers

Pandemic: Responses in North America, Europe, and Asia to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Outbreak

WHO _ Safety of pandemic vaccines.pdf

This collection uses academic and governmental articles, media reporting, and first-person accounts of community and governmental responses in North…

Nightstream Virtual Film Festival

Digital objects pertaining to the Nightstream Film Festival, a virtual event held in 2020 and 2021. These objects include JPEG and PNG still images,…

Contributors: David Sohl

Mesa Verde National Park

Mesa Verde Timeline

This digital collection presents photos, videos, maps and textual analysis about the Mesa Verde National Park.