Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

The Personal Collection of Elnorah Huff-Williamson

Dublin Core


The Personal Collection of Elnorah Huff-Williamson


Elnorah Huff
Elnorah Huff-Williamson
Chicago Showgirl
African American Showgirl
Black Showgirl
Club DeLisa~ 1934-1941
New Club DeLisa~ 1941-1958
Roberts Show Lounge~ 1954-1957
Roberts Show Club~ 1957-1961
Pre-Civil Rights Movement


The personal collection of Elnorah Huff-Williamson captures the private life of a showgirl. Elnorah was one of the DeLisa Chorines that performed regularly at Club DeLisa as well as a showgirl at the popular Roberts Show Club in Chicago, both were popular night spots before the Civil Rights Act in the 1950's. The collection provides primary sources that include mainly photos, with an in-progress link of the collection on WordPress, that will include, newspapers, programs, cards, a love letter, school records, post cards and articles from the black press.
The collections primary timeline of activities are heavily concentrated in the early to mid-1950s, giving the researcher an in-depth perspective of her personal and professional life. The collection holds historical and intrinsic value, placing the bulk of the collection during a time of unrest; the 1950’s-1960’s.

This collection was amassed during a very important time in American history, dating from the late 1940’s thru early 1960’s. (Pre Civil-Rights movement) Elnorah Huff-Williamson was a Chicago showgirl that created her own story during a time period when black women were under the radar. She preformed and played a vital role in shaping North American entertainment.
The Personal Photo Collection of Elnorah Huff-Williamson was created to preserve the culture heritage of her legacy, her contribution as a woman and her impact on the African American community. The lost records of Elnorah Huff-Williamson plays an important part of the human experience during Chicago’s segregated time period. The black experience that society never knew existed will now be available for access. This collection is unique in its findings and due to the nature in which it was created, is a primary source for research.


Lisa Roberts



Word Press


Circa, 1940-1970


Elnorah Huff-Williamson
Elnorah Huff


Vivian G Harsh Repository



Digital Photographs
Black and white




Still Images


Chicago, Illinois

Items in the The Personal Collection of Elnorah Huff-Williamson Collection

Elnorah Huff-Williamson was a Chicago showgirl that performed at Club DeLisa and Roberts Show Club on the Chicago’s South-side in the 1950’s. Being a show girl required wearing revealing clothing, staying in shape, singing, dancing and constantly…

Showgirl Elnorah Huff-Williamson is performing directly behind a blackface entertainer in a minstrel show. Blackface originated in the 19th century, it was a way to stereotype blacks, which depicted and humiliated blacks for all of history.

A rare photo business card from the New Club DeLisa that was owned by the DeLisa brothers.

A three-quarter length autographed photograph program of Bill Doggett facing left with left arm on left knee.

Business Card from the original house band leader Red Sauders at the Club DeLisa located on the Chicago's south side.