Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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Mesa Verde National Park


This collection of materials is publically available on the 115th Year Anniversary of the Mesa Verde National Park. 

In this collection you will find photos, articles, hyperlinks to videos and websites. 

The Goals For This Collection:

1) To connect those who are interested in native lands to become interested in visiting this National Park. 

2) Showcase artifacts that were stolen from this sacred place and those who were asked to return them.

3) To acknowledge the Pueblo people that created the magnificent structures and cliff dwells in the Four Corners Region.

4) Digitally preserve what is currently known about the indigenous people who built and fled this place. In order to help preserve an oral heritage. 


In this collection you will discover the volumn of materials that are made possible because of the National Park Service preservation efforts. Mesa Verde National Park Service strives to restore, protect, and preserve this sacred location and acknowledge this sacred land. This is done by employing indigenous people and respecting requests from the native community in the four corner region. 

