The website for Flip Phone events, an LGBTQ event organizer and host of drag brunches and other drag/gender nonconforming events whose themes are centered around pop culture. Cities served include New York City, Chicago, Minneapolis, Boston,…
A photograph on FOLX Health's website advertising the testosterone injections and gel offered to patients. The description reads "FOLX offers testosterone hormone therapy for transgender, non-binary, and intersex people. Find the method that's right…
Episode 1 of the podcast "Gender Reveal". "Welcome to Gender Reveal! In this mini episode, we review essential gender concepts for listeners who might find it useful.
Topics include:
How closely related are sex and gender? What steps do people…
"This month we are focusing on transgender visibility and awareness.
In this week's show, we feature a short film by youth producer, Tarathorn Boonngamanong titled Nonbinary and a conversation with Ariel Taylor, PhillyCAM's Youth Media Coordinator…
The Netflix home page for the FX show "Pose": "In the New York of the late '80s and early '90s, this is a story of ball culture and the gay and trans community, the raging AIDS crisis, and capitalism"
An email relationship advice and pop culture review newsletter called "T.V Dinner" by Lesbian author Maddie helping a reader deal with their trans partner having an emotional affair
A post on Lex that reads "I am starting T on Friday! After a convo with my doctor we are going to figure out the best option. Excited and nervous. Also feel weird about dating. I feel like I need to feel more at home in my body before I really get…