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  • Collection: #YesAllWomen- The Power of Hashtag Activism

Kendall's Tweet describes the double standard women face. She states that women are considered to be naive if they trust men but when women fear men, they are considered paranoid.


Laura tweets that she has to wear shorts under dresses at bars because unseen groped and penetrated her. Her tweet demonstrates that women are regularly assaulted in public. Laura's feed also shows the backlash against the hashtag. Users tweeted…

Leigh Alexander tweets Twitter does not consider online threats as abuse. Her tweet speaks to a larger issue of women receiving death, rape, or harmful threats online when they speak out on certain issues.

Elliott Rogers posted a youtube video before the Isla Vista Shooting. He claims he is seeking retribution because women rejected him. His video is cited as evidence of the sense of entitlement men have towards women and sex.

#YesAllWomen's influence reaches to prominent politicians, such as Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker of the House. Representative Nancy Pelosi tweets that women deserve to a life free from threats.

Well-known author, Neil Gaiman, tweeted the #YesAllWomen hashtag is filled with true, hard, sad and angry things. Gaiman says he empathized with the movement and will try to understand but he will never fully grasp because he is a man.

Phil Plait tells the effect of the #YesAllWomen had on him. He claims the stories of everyday sexism affected him. The article how men on twitter are responding defensively to tweets under this hashtag. Plait urges his readers to listen to women…

Well-known author, Rebecca Solnit, argues that #YesAllWomen is important because words are powerful. By giving a name to behavior or phenomenon , it will help changes attitudes.

Sasha Weiss joined the #YesAllWomen conversation by adding her story of sexual harassment from a man on a train platform. Weiss argues #YesAllWomen is needed because it demonstrates Elliott Roger's ideas came from attitudes surrounding women.

Selina Kara quotes Magaret Atwood to highlight the difference what women and men fears. Twitters users tweeted back in support. She also had backlash. Users responded that feminism is awful, that Kara was hostile towards men, questions why people…
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