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  • Collection: #YesAllWomen- The Power of Hashtag Activism

Aimee Mann's tweet describes how the cops asked her what she was wearing when she reported her rape. Her tweet demonstrates that women are often blamed for their sexual assault.

Alaina Huffman's tweet offers an unique perspective on #YesAllWomen. Her tweet implies that rigid gender roles affect both genders negatively.

Amy Ma's tweet touches upon another important movement of stopping sexual assault by high school football players. Her story connects to the larger issue of rape on school campuses and sexual violence committed by football players.

Business Sam tweeted that she should not feel guilty for returning a man's feeling or put them in the so called "friend zone." Her tweet also incited backlash. Other users claimed the hashtag is being used to play a victim.

Men tweeted in support of #YesAllWomen and also told stories of everyday sexism. Men often cat-calling women on the street and tell them to smile. Dean Garlick says women do not own men smiles.

Dennis Lynch's article describes how Elliot Rodger went on websites associated with the men's rights movement to vent or ask for help. Some of the websites advise miogynistic pick up tactics. Lynch also examines Elliot Rodger's videos. In his…

Emanuella Grinberg examines the importance of #YesAllWomen. The hashtag, with over 1.2 million tweets after the first couple of days of its start, outpaced other hashtags that focused on women's rights. Grinberg argues #Yesallwomen is important…

Emily Shire acknowledges that #YesAllWomen is an inspiring movement but users use the hashtag for smaller, less important incidents. She argues some of the examples of misogyny shared by users are less serious about the occurrences of violence and…


Emily-Wan Kenobi's tweet claims every woman has a story about a man feeling entitled to her body. Her tweet also shows the backlash against #YesAllWomen and powerful the conservation the hashtag can start. Users tweeted back that every man has a…

Eric Yaverbaum examines hashtag activism. He argues hashtag activism is powerful because it puts the narrative into hands of anyone and everyone. It give back power to those who have been silenced. He claims #YesAllWomen and #BlackLives Matter…
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