Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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  • Collection: Black Lives Matter: The Revolution Will Be Televised

"Paul Beban takes a look at how the social activist movement originated and where it is heading."

"Melina Abdullah, professor of Pan-African Studies at California State University Los Angeles, discusses the intent of the Black Lives Matter movement and recent criticism its received from notable Republican candidates."

"A US journalist documents ‘war on black people’ in Brazil "

"On June 4, 2015, Opal Tometi visited Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLS) in Berlin. Before meeting with activists and employees from the foundation she was interviewed be Ophélie Ivombo (RLS). In the interview she speaks about racist police violence in…

Co-founder of the #BlackLivesMatter movement Alicia Garza in conversation with Saint Mary's College of California students, faculty & staff. 3/10/2015

Sponsored by: Black Student Union, CILSA, IC, Leadership Studies Programs Mission & Ministry…
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