Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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  • Collection: Anxiety in the Age of Trump

Author provides a humorous list of 11 actions people with severe, Trump induced anxiety, can take to survive the next few years.

Eight therapists share their experience with their clients reactions to the 2016 election, while also grappling with their own anxiety and stress.

A list of symptoms to help identify if a person is clinically depressed.

A description of the symptoms, causes, risk factors, complications, and risk factors of generalized anxiety disorder.

Black and white photograph on cover of Esquire magazine, head shot of Donald Trump.

The author describes how his practice was inundated with calls from people unable to cope with the 2016 election and aftermath. He then goes onto describe several ways to self care during these tumultuous times.

Article describing Trump anxiety, symptoms, self care techniques and why taking their steps will help anxiety. Includes anxiety test.

We talked to creatives and health care professionals about their strategies for dealing with anxiety in Donald Trump's America, from protesting and practicing self-care, to finding community offline and on.

Color photograph of a crowd of women at the Women's March 2017, Washington D.C. Two women are holding a sign, "I'm Afraid".
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