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  • Collection: #MeToo

This is a website, citing resources, and offering information about the movement and how people can get involved.

Online news article reporting on an ad placed in the New York Times by 1,600 men in support of Christine Blasey Ford and Anita Hill, who have both testified against Supreme Court Nominees for sexual harassment and sexual assault.

NPR article reporting on a study that was conducted in January 2018 by a nonprofit Stop Street Harassment, finding 81% of women and 43% of men have been sexually harassed in their lifetime.

WBUR's Jeremy Hobson talks with Anna North, Senior Reporter of Vox, about where we are in the #MeToo movement and if there will be lasting change.

After Les Moonves left CBS amidst sexual misconduct allegations, Stephen Colbert addressed the #MeToo movement and accountability for all, even his then boss.

This tweet was the beginning of others retweeting and posting the hashtag "#metoo." Although Alyssa Milano did not start the #MeToo organization, this tweet started the larger public discussion of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

With Dr. Christine Blasey Ford set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee amidst allegations of sexual misconduct by Judge Brett Kavanaugh, many made comparisons to Anita Hill testifying against Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991.

CNN news article following the sentencing of Bill Cosby, one notable figure sentenced for sexual assault in the #MeToo era.

September 2018 senate hearing where Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee based on allegations of sexual assault. Judge Kavanaugh was nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump and…

Time's Up, an organization that came out of the #MeToo movement to end sexual harassment, assault, and inequality in the workplace raises money to aid victims. This image was to raise awareness and to get other individuals to sign the solidarity…
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