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  • Collection: The 2018 Chicago Hotel Strike

On August 31, all the Chicago hotel workers unanimously decided to strike, after their employers failed to help them in their requests for better contracts and insurance concerns

The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) expressed their support for the hotel strikers in Chicago by posting a group photograph to the Strikers Solidarity Campaign page

The Burlington branch of the International Socialist Organization stated that they stand by the striking hotel employees.

This is an informative article for the general public, explaining the strike. The article answers questions such as: why the strike is taking place, who is striking, which hotels are participating, etc.

In this short news video, CBS Local describes the noise complaints from downtown Chicago residents, as the strikers are using drums, sirens, and bullhorns in their walks

The Chicago Teacher's Union showed their support of the marchers on Facebook, relating the current strike to the teachers' own strike in 2012.

Newspaper article discussing the complaints of downtown Chicago hotel customers, after workers have begun to temporarily abandon their duties, until their demands are satisfied

As of today, only two hotels are striking - Cambia Magnificent Mile and Kinzie Hotel. All the other hotels have stopped their strike due to new negotiated contracts that offer workers year-round health insurance and other benefits for which they…

The Chicago hotel strike of fall 2018 turned out to be the first mass hotel worker strike in the city since the beginning of the 20th century.

NBC Chicago reports that the strike has gone on for five consecutive days since its beginning (which would turn into four weeks total).
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