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  • Collection: The 2018 Chicago Hotel Strike

Sonia Vasquez, a room attendant at Crowne Plaza, shared a video message of support with the UNITE HERE organization and those involved and interested in the strike

The Burlington branch of the International Socialist Organization stated that they stand by the striking hotel employees.

The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) expressed their support for the hotel strikers in Chicago by posting a group photograph to the Strikers Solidarity Campaign page

The Midwest LGBTQ Health Symposium was scheduled to take place at the Hyatt Hotel, but the event was moved to the Malcolm X college in solidarity with the strikers

A socialist organization based in North Carolina also expressed support for the Chicagoan strikers on Facebook, posting their group picture to the Solidarity Campaign page

The Chicago Teacher's Union showed their support of the marchers on Facebook, relating the current strike to the teachers' own strike in 2012.

A photograph posted on Facebook. The photograph features a group of nurses who are holding "Nurses Support Striking Hotel Workers" signs

A Facebook advertisement for an event in downtown Chicago, next to the Hilton Hotel. Citizen Action Illinois announced that they will be joining the strikers in their picket instead of organizing their customary annual fundraiser

A Facebook page titled "Chicago Hotel Strike Solidarity Campaign" was created in support of the strike and the participants. It posted photographs and information about the development of the movement

A GoFundMe page had been created for support of the strike.
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