Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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  • Collection: Mesa Verde National Park

Mesa Verde and The Preservation of Ancestral Puebloan Heritage. Some of the most remarkable structures in the U.S. are a millennium old.

Video featuring a park ranger and Puebloan Artifacts

Overview of Mesa Verde National Park

Pueblo timeline for the construction of cliff dwellings and the US government timeline for the discovery of Mesa Verde.

Much like we paint and plaster our own houses today, Ancestral Pueblo people used layers of colorful plaster to decorate their walls. Designs were often painted with a fibrous yucca brush or with fingers using paint made from a combination of colored…

At Mug House: Ranger Jill explains how dendrochronology, or tree-ring dating, is used by researchers to date archeological sites, including the Mesa Verde cliff dwellings.

Dendrochronology (dendro = tree, chron = time, ology = a science), or…

USGS Map of the Mesa Verde elevation and topography

This site is educational in the way we should respect native lands. The importance of acknowledging the injustice to indigenous people and the present day ramifications that are still affecting those native to this land.

Day Hiking Trails Blog Post Link About Mesa Verde
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