Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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Lin-Manuel Miranda announces the title of the concept album will be "The Hamilton Mixtape".

Lin-Manuel Miranda announces that the show will be called "Hamilton" and that he still has plans to release a concept album.

Lin-Manuel Miranda announces on Twitter that his Hamilton Mixtape will be his next full musical.

Lin-Manuel Miranda and historian and author of Alexander Hamilton, Ron Chernow meet to discuss Hamilton.

Lin-Manuel Miranda's first mention of the "Hamilton Mixtape" on Twitter.

Lin-Manuel Miranda tweeted this photo of himself reading "Alexander Hamilton" while on vacation in 2008.

Leigh Alexander tweets Twitter does not consider online threats as abuse. Her tweet speaks to a larger issue of women receiving death, rape, or harmful threats online when they speak out on certain issues.

Gildedspine created the #YesAllWomen on Twitter and started the conversation on the everyday sexism and misogyny women face. The user, Gildedspine, deleted her original post after facing harassment for original tweet and the creation of the…

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