Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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"The sale of a piece of crypto art consumed as much energy as the studio uses in two years. Now the artist is campaigning to reduce the medium’s carbon emissions." --subtitle

"Yes it's hype. But it could change our world." --video description

"Leaving the hype behind, NFTs coupled with the art market can significantly improve and even transform the art industry in many ways." --subtitle

"I believe their ability to operate simultaneously as contract, contract executioner, and record keeper has the power to do far more good for the arts than harm." --excerpt

A Reddit post in the r/196 subreddit group with stylized digital illustrations of the Reddit mascot

"Non-fungible tokens may be a boon for art and sports collectibles, but the technology is also spawning a host of thorny regulatory and legal issues." --subtitle

"cryptoart bros: no, like, NFTs are really good for the art community

the art community: *collectively on locked accounts, unable to share art or grow or market themselves out of rampant resulting art theft*

cryptoart bros: really puts the…

""if you're struggling i wont judge you for making cryptoart--" no I will judge you. Everyone else is dealing with their financial situation without producing unimaginable levels of emissions. go do literally anything esle"

"Hey FamFam, thanks for expressing your thoughts on NFT's. We have pulled them down and proceeds will be donated to @DavidSuzukiFDN
. We hear you loud and clear."

An overview of NFTs: their context, origin, use cases, players and future of the medium.
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