Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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Cover of Time Magazine with extreme close up of Donald Trumps head. Text and check boxes are over laid on the black and white portrait, indicating disturbing personality traits.

Color photograph of a woman sitting at a "Theratrumpy" stand, providing therapy for a woman, for 5 cents. West Hollywood California. Sidewalk Therapy for Trump-Induced Anxiety

Meme of a cat that looks freaked out.

Illustration combined with a photograph of Trump. A nuclear explosion with Trumps face at the center of the mushroom cloud.

Painting depicting Trump with tiny hands, and a grimacing mouth full of jagged Ku Klux Klan teeth.

Illustration of Trump sexually assaulting the statue of liberty.

This is a website, citing resources, and offering information about the movement and how people can get involved.

Video featuring Tanya Burke discussing the empowerment of connecting and sharing stories with other sexual assault victims.

Oprah Winfrey giving her speech at the Golden Globes where she addressed the #MeToo movement.
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