For our Opening Night #Ham4Ham, Lin-Manuel Miranda read the crowd the first five paragraphs from Ron Chernow's "Hamilton". Just over 2 hours until showtime! #HamiltonBway
This op-ed explores ideas about free speech in an electronic environment. The author suggests that The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act stifles new and creative forms of online expression.
Elnorah Huff-Williamson was a Chicago showgirl that performed at Club DeLisa and Roberts Show Club on the Chicago’s South-side in the 1950’s. Being a show girl required wearing revealing clothing, staying in shape, singing, dancing and constantly…
Showgirl Elnorah Huff-Williamson is performing directly behind a blackface entertainer in a minstrel show. Blackface originated in the 19th century, it was a way to stereotype blacks, which depicted and humiliated blacks for all of history.