Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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What does 9 feet of storm surge look like? We show you like nobody else can. This was the forecast storm surge for the Carolina coast as Hurricane Florence was approaching.

A photograph of all the workers that have voted in favor of a strike. UNITE HERE states that 97% of hotel employees believed that a strike will help them resolve their workplace issues

NBC Chicago reports that the strike has gone on for five consecutive days since its beginning (which would turn into four weeks total).

The Facebook page for National Hurricane Updates issued a warning regarding certain zones where bad damage may occur as Hurricane Florence hits.

Image of Hurricane Florence from the International Space Station.

WGN Radio invited Phil Vettel, a restaurant critic, to discuss how the hotel strike might impact the business of the restaurants that are in some of the hotels.

PHOTO: Waves slam the Oceana Pier & Pier House Restaurant in Atlantic Beach, N.C.

As of today, only two hotels are striking - Cambia Magnificent Mile and Kinzie Hotel. All the other hotels have stopped their strike due to new negotiated contracts that offer workers year-round health insurance and other benefits for which they…

Radio broadcast of Hurricane Florence as it arrives in North Carolina.

A photograph of a memorial stone plaque downtown that commemorates the formation of UNITE HERE (labor union) in 2004. Instagram user A. J. Stanford took a picture of the important plaque while on strike herself
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