Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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Video portraying the Time's Person of the Year 2017: The Silence Breakers. Video features women and men who spoke out, igniting the #MeToo Movement.

Oprah Winfrey giving her speech at the Golden Globes where she addressed the #MeToo movement.

Video featuring Tanya Burke discussing the empowerment of connecting and sharing stories with other sexual assault victims.

This is a website, citing resources, and offering information about the movement and how people can get involved.

Illustration of Trump sexually assaulting the statue of liberty.

Painting depicting Trump with tiny hands, and a grimacing mouth full of jagged Ku Klux Klan teeth.

Illustration combined with a photograph of Trump. A nuclear explosion with Trumps face at the center of the mushroom cloud.

Meme of a cat that looks freaked out.

Color photograph of a woman sitting at a "Theratrumpy" stand, providing therapy for a woman, for 5 cents. West Hollywood California. Sidewalk Therapy for Trump-Induced Anxiety
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