Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

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"Absolutely nothing about cryptoart has anything to do with valuing the art or artists, people can attach anything they want to an NFT token. I was getting promoted tweets for a dude selling pictures bbq ribs on NFTs “as a joke”, people can just…

Nonprofits from around the country plan to commission works of no longer than 10 minutes that can be read or performed by people sheltering in place.

Attending A Christmas Carol is a common family tradition and a financial lifeline for theatres between Thanksgiving through Christmas.  In 2020, theatre companies are recreating productions to keep patrons engaged and safe.

With performance venues closed, theatre companies are shifting to video calls, YouTube and Facebook to continue performing. '24 Hour Plays' events, where monologues and short scenes are written, rehearsed, and performed within 24 hours, challenge…

Unlike with the COVID-19 pandemic, the 1918 influenza pandemic was seen as a short-term inconvenience. The musical culture returned to normal when theatres and music halls reopened in 1919. That was not the same for music performers who often lost…

With playhouses closed, smaller theatre companies pivoting to include their live audiences into the streaming performance by using Zoom voting, live messaging, or sending a "mystery box" to household ticket holders ahead of scheduled online shows.

Performers from around the world are creating new interactive productions by utilizing Zoom, WhatsApp and Minecraft. While some works are created as a reaction to the pandemic, others are revised works that were written right before venues closed.

Similar to the U.S., Germany theatres have started to embrace interactive online performances, with many productions, from state-run and fringe theaters, examining contemporary themes of loneliness, isolation, fear of death, and our chances for…

The ability to utilize online and digital performances during the pandemic has allowed theatre companies from across the country and abroad to remain engaged with and grow their audience. This silver-lining to an unfortunate situation has increased…

The COVID-19 pandemic has focused smaller theatre companies to rethink their productions and technical requirements. Performing live online with interactive features has opened opportunities to invite a national audience since the Web doesn't…
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