Fionolo Meredith sympathizes with the angry and pain behind the #YesAllWomen movements. However, Meredith argues the hashtag is useless against endemic misogyny. Meredith believes the #YesAllWomen movement will be forgotten when another controversial…
Dennis Lynch's article describes how Elliot Rodger went on websites associated with the men's rights movement to vent or ask for help. Some of the websites advise miogynistic pick up tactics. Lynch also examines Elliot Rodger's videos. In his…
Before the shooting at Isla Vista, Elliot Rodger sent a manuscript outlining his grievances against women and his contempt for minorities. He described his life and his frustration over not having a girlfriend. Rodger specially mentioned a War on…
Emily Shire acknowledges that #YesAllWomen is an inspiring movement but users use the hashtag for smaller, less important incidents. She argues some of the examples of misogyny shared by users are less serious about the occurrences of violence and…
The New York Times article describes the aftermath of the Vista Isle Shooting on the University of California's campus. Female students in the article reported their fear after the shooting. The article also describes the #YesAllWomen movement and…
Amy Ma's tweet touches upon another important movement of stopping sexual assault by high school football players. Her story connects to the larger issue of rape on school campuses and sexual violence committed by football players.
#YesAllWomen's influence reaches to prominent politicians, such as Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker of the House. Representative Nancy Pelosi tweets that women deserve to a life free from threats.
Aimee Mann's tweet describes how the cops asked her what she was wearing when she reported her rape. Her tweet demonstrates that women are often blamed for their sexual assault.
Kendall's Tweet describes the double standard women face. She states that women are considered to be naive if they trust men but when women fear men, they are considered paranoid.
Imani Grandy tells how women did not leave their drinks alone at a bar or party. Other women tweeted in response that they do not leave their unattended and they were given advice to watch their drinks.