Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

Browse Items (1081 total)

A brief description of industrialist and philanthropist Barre Seid and some of his activities that have caused controversy.

An opinion piece by Trustee Joe Bast explaining the events that led to the firing of President Thomas Lindsey and the author's predictions for the future of the college.

Comments relating directly to the Chicago Reader article by various contributors, some anonymous

An accounting of the Lindsay affair by a professor at Hamilton College who attempts to justify the actions of Thomas Lindsay and the Board of Trustees, and comments by various contributors who desire to clarify several points of issue.

A Wiki history of Shimer College to put the Lindsay matter into perspective

President Thomas Lindsay fires Director of Admissions Elaine Vincent; anxiety over executive powers and the security of Shimer's dialogical ethos.

Pueblo timeline for the construction of cliff dwellings and the US government timeline for the discovery of Mesa Verde.

PBS NewsHour article on how live theater in Miami, FL has adjusted to performing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CBS Sunday Morning video article about the changes that regional theatres and artists made during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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