Dominican University SOIS Omeka Site

#YesAllWomen catches the attention of Hollywood, Politicians, and the Mainstream Media.

Felicia's Day Tumblr Message on #YesAllWomen

Actress, Felicia Day, shares her experience with misognyn and gender roles on Tumblr and twitter. She laments men and women cannot be friends because men expect sex or romantic relationships.

Sophia Bush's Tweet

Popular actress, Sohphia Bush, tweets out she should not have to be afraid of walking at night. However, even popular actresses faced backlash over the #YesAllWomen. Users dismissed her experiences and told her to take self-defense classes.

Campus killings set off anguished conversation about the treatment of women

The New York Times covers the #YesAllWomen hashtag. They connect the movement to larger issues concerning women, such as campus assualt. This marks an important moment because major media is now talking about the hashtag.

Nancy Pelosi's Tweet on #YesAllWomen

#YesAllWomen even reaches to well-known politicans. Representative Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, tweets out in support of #YesAllWomen.

"#YesAllWomen Changes the Story"

Well-known author and feminist, Rebecca Solnit, write a powerful piece about why #YesAllWomen matters. 

#YesAllWomen catches the attention of Hollywood, Politicians, and the Mainstream Media.