Black Lives Matter: The Revolution Will Be Televised
This collection focuses on the media, sound and images captured of the ongoing #blacklivesmatter movement, including slogans used to propel and incite the spirit of activism such as twitter hash tags. It will contain brief information on the events that have had the greatest significance in the movement for context--including biographical information for indiviuals who are focal points. Ultimately, this collection seeks to provide a future generation a brief overview or chronicle of the events (much like a time capsule) for the generation of interest in seeking their own truth and interpretation of the events.
In order to keep this collection focused, the creator observed the following constraints in curating:
--Neutrality in sources collected will be observed (i.e. objects and materials collected will consist primarily of informational content that explains and analyzes rather than opinion pieces).
--Harvesting original media will be observed whenever possible. This collection contains lots of media on servers obtained from host sites such as YouTube.
Heather Hummons