Eric Yaverbaum examines hashtag activism. He argues hashtag activism is powerful because it puts the narrative into hands of anyone and everyone. It give back power to those who have been silenced. He claims #YesAllWomen and #BlackLives Matter…
Laura tweets that she has to wear shorts under dresses at bars because unseen groped and penetrated her. Her tweet demonstrates that women are regularly assaulted in public. Laura's feed also shows the backlash against the hashtag. Users tweeted…
Fionolo Meredith sympathizes with the angry and pain behind the #YesAllWomen movements. However, Meredith argues the hashtag is useless against endemic misogyny. Meredith believes the #YesAllWomen movement will be forgotten when another controversial…
The blog, Vox, tweeted how seven in ten assaults against women are perpetrated by an intimate partner. They include a graph demonstrating their tweet. This tweet shows how major blogs and new sites were discussing the #YesAllWomen hashtag. It also…
The #YesAllWomen hashtag spread to Tumblr. The actress, Felicia Day, describes her experiences on Twitter after she used the #YesAllWomen hashtag. Day lost followers because of the hashtag. She describes how a tweet about men will only women alone…
Men tweeted in support of #YesAllWomen and also told stories of everyday sexism. Men often cat-calling women on the street and tell them to smile. Dean Garlick says women do not own men smiles.
Leigh Alexander tweets Twitter does not consider online threats as abuse. Her tweet speaks to a larger issue of women receiving death, rape, or harmful threats online when they speak out on certain issues.
Kaye M, the creator of the #YesAllWomen, tells what led to start the hashtag. She wanted to create a space for women to vent and to emphasize over their shared experience of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexism. Kaye M. states as a Muslim…
Business Sam tweeted that she should not feel guilty for returning a man's feeling or put them in the so called "friend zone." Her tweet also incited backlash. Other users claimed the hashtag is being used to play a victim.